【同义词辨析】 2017-07-14 天真natural-artless

natural: implies lacking artificiality and self-consciousness and having a spontaneousness suggesting the natural rather than the man-made: her unaffected, ~ quality comes across on film.   self-conscious不自在难为情,即过度在意自己外貌言行等implies feeling undue awareness of oneself,one's appearance, or one's actions,he is self-conscious in front of an audience他在听众面前难为情the young girl felt very self-conscious about the large mole on her chin那位年轻姑娘对自己下巴上的大痣感到很不自在I feel a bit self-conscious parking my scruffy old car我在停那破旧的车时,感到有点难为情

ingenuous: implies inability to disguise or conceal one's feelings or intentions and usually implies candid frankness and lack of reserve: the ~, spontaneous utterances of children.

naive: suggests lack of worldly wisdom often connoting credulousness and unchecked innocence: in money matters she is distressingly ~.   worldlyworldly-wise都表示世间的精通世事的精明的,如a worldly-wise woman精明的女人,worldly concerns对世事的关注)

unsophisticated: implies a lack of experience and training necessary for social ease and adroitness: the store intimidates ~ customers.

artless: suggests a naturalness resulting from unawareness of the effect one is producing on others: gave an ~ impromptu speech at the dinner.

natural自然: 指自发自然不造作或不自在,ingenuous天真: 指不能够隐藏自己的感觉意图,显得坦率无保留(如国王新装中的小孩),naive幼稚: 表示缺乏处世智慧过份天真容易上当,unsophisticated不谙世事:指缺乏经验历练,因此做事费力不机灵,artless缺乏技巧: 表示不知道自己言行会对别人造成影响

记忆方法: 1)首字母NA NIU想成那牛<==牛很天真

          2)天真的意思是不会假装或算计mean free from pretension or calculation.           不要写成pretention